Thursday, July 30, 2009

Cedar City, UT to Blanding, UT

Stage 4 of the Tour de Oshkosh started today from Cedar City, UT following UT-14 into the Dixie National Forest. I wish I had more time to stop for pictures because there was some awesome scenery as I climbed up to over 9,900 feet. Two of the pictures above are from Monument Valley and the other picture was taken at a lookout, near the top of the pass, where you can see into Zion National Park.

The route turned south to Page, AZ. After stopping for lunch, I headed east to Kayenta, AZ and then north into Monument Valley where I stopped for a couple of pictures. There are some great photos from this area, but you really must experience this country up close and personal. Heading north from Kayenta I got my first dose of heavy rain for about 10-15 minutes and then it cleared up and I was dry the rest of the way. This area has options galore for sightseeing and other recreational pasttimes. There were so many places to stop and take in the sights. One could easily take a couple of weeks and still not see or do everything. I am pretty sure that it will be hard to surpass the scenery I saw today, at least until I return to the Northwest.
Thanks to everyone for your support and prayers. At the end of each post is an option for to you submit a comment. Please do so as I would really like to hear from you.

7-30-09 Stats
Start Time - 8:30 am MT
End Time - 4:15 pm MT
1.471 miles down - 4,720 miles to go - 23.8% complete
States - UT, AZ


  1. Enjoy reading the updates. Great pictures. Blessings. Have a wonderful Sabbath. Michele

  2. Spectacular scenery! Thanks for the great pictures. I can't wait to take a road trip through that area.
